南京市黄页 > 南京市旅游> 南京市雾化盆景 >


"南京金文云锦名人工作室,由中国工艺美术大师金文创办成立,凭借独家绝技优势和在设计开发织造上的经验与实力,承担了中华人民共和国第十届运动会云锦制作等重大项目,作品多次荣获大奖,并被国家工艺美术珍宝馆、国家博物馆等多家权威机构收藏。工作室现有工艺框画、装饰、服装等八大类数百种产品,获三十多项国家专利,倾心打造“名师”牌云锦精品。With unique techniques and rich experience and strength in designing innovion and weaving Master Jinwen’s Brocade Gallery,which was set up by who is the Master of Chinese Arts Crafthas accepted some important programs such as the yunbrocade projects of The 10th Chinese Nional Sports Games. There are many projects which have got nional awards collected by nional authority agencies such as The Nional Museum. Now there are hundred kinds of projects in 8 geniuses which have got more than 30 nional pents in the gallery. And it has launched a set of selective brocades by the brand of “Master” to develop a real master brand of brocade in China."






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