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欢迎来到荷兰金风车CIPARO 公司!WElCOME YOU!我司以欧洲荷兰鹿特丹为总部,采购,致力于(已使用过的)纸、浆和塑料市场的独立贸易公司。我们在92年在北京设立办公室,目前在国内外有多家办公室,以我们二十多年的丰富经验,我们在贸易及回收品市场中建立了良好的声誉。我们是一家有口皆碑绿色的性公司.捷诚为您提供各种纸张和废纸塑等原料!请浏览我们的网页,更多地了解。希望业界厂商建立广泛合作!欢迎垂询!谢谢!Ciparo is a green organizion active in the market of (used) paper, pulp and plastic. Our core business is the purchase of different environmental friendly raw merials and half products, as well as the logistics involved in shipping those goods, from our office in Rotterdam and the marketing, sales, warehousing and distribution of those to the 5 branch offices in China (Golden Windmill), 2 offices in Vietnam as well various regions in India. The quality of these products is a key factor. Raw merials and half products are purchased in parts of the world where there is an excess of those, mainly Europe and North and South products are sold to the Far East where there is a growing demand for raw merials and half products due to its fast developing economy. We have warehousing in Rotterdam and Antwerp, but we also ship from other European main ports in Germany, England, France, Spain and Greece. Baling facilities are hand in the US and in ChinaCiparo is een groene organisie actief in de markt van (gebruikt) papier, pulp en plastic. Onze core business is de inkoop van verschillende milieu vriendelijke ruwe merialen en half producten, als ook de benodigde logistieke afhandeling om deze goederen te verschepen, vanuit ons kantoor in Rotterdam en de marketing, verkoop, opslag en distributie vanuit onze 5 filialen in China (Golden Windmill), ...







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